A1 Flues
A1 Flues

Draught breaks

The inclusion of draught breaks within commercial flue systems will make a significant contribution to the performance and efficiency of CHP systems.

In the vast majority of installations, the introduction of a draught stabiliser as a draught break is required to maintain the desired draught in an appliance by automatically reducing the draught to the desired value.

In commercial flue and chimney systems, draught stabilisers are required for multiple appliances where the operating conditions change depending on the number of appliances operating at any time.

Fitting a separate stabiliser on each appliance flue pipe is best if space permits. Alternatively, a single stabiliser can be fitted beyond the boiler connections on the side of the header or at the base of the vertical riser (provided it is within the boiler room). Fitting a stabiliser at the end of the common header is also possible but should not be preferred to either of the previous locations.

Did you know we also manufacture a range of explosion relief values for use with biomass appliances?

For technical help on planning draught breaks, either email our Technical Department at technical@a1flues.co.uk or call 01623 867303.