A1 Flues
A1 Flues

Chimney, flue and exhaust systems.
Natural lighting and ventilation solutions.

We have a comprehensive range of commercial flue systems to ensure that there is an A1 solution for every possible installation – from a skyscraper to a school building and everything in-between.

We have built a reputation for the quality, performance and durability of our CE-Marked flue pipes, especially our single-skin flue systems and twin-wall flue systems. But that’s just part of the story because there’s more to flue systems than just the pipes. Here are our key product areas:

In addition to our core products, we have introduced a range of natural lighting and venting solutions, as well as a wider range of chimney options. This includes free-standing, open-lattice and single-support-mast chimneys.

Our products are used for the extraction of waste gas products from:

  • Commercial boilers
  • Generators
  • CHP units
  • Cremators
  • Incinerators
  • Biomass boilers

For more information on flue systems, download our product brochure. You can also either email our Technical Department at technical@a1flues.co.uk or call 01623 867303.