A1 Flues
A1 Flues


The language of flues is now international

Did you know that you can now read our website in five different languages? OK, six if you include English!

We’ve added a new feature to the top left-hand corner of our website (see picture) that allows you to select a language. You can read our website in four European languages: French, German, Spanish and Italian. Or, for those further afield, it’s also available in Arabic.

Simply select the language you want to read our site in and, hey presto, you can read our website in a different language ‘til your heart’s content.

We’ve had so much fun seeing the different versions of our front-page headline ‘Commercial flue, natural lighting and ventilation specialist’ translated as ‘Comercial de combustión, la iluminación natural y la ventilación especialista’, ‘Kommerzielle Rauchgas, natürliche Belichtung und Belüftung Spezialist’ and

‘التجارية المداخن، والإضاءة الطبيعية والتهوية متخصص’.

This is just the next step in our humble plans to take over the world.